Committed to Proclaiming the Good News
of the Power of God unto Salvation
We are faithful servants of Jesus Christ sharing the good news of God's kingdom to all who have ears to hear. We believe that we must work while it is day to carry out the command of Christ to "go!" ... and declare his Word ... as the nighttime comes when none can work.
There's Only One Answer! (TOOA) is a ministry outreach with special emphasis on preserving early church spirit and teachings.
"TOOA" especially is focused on two basic subjects ...
THE GOOD NEWS GOSPEL of Jesus Christ and the understanding of BIBLE PROPHECY with a clear perspective of the end times.
Christopher Doto
Christopher received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Detroit- Mercy. Brother Christopher received formal biblical studies graduating from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1988, and The School of the Local Church (SLC) in 1989. Further study included a correspondence course entitled, God's Plan for Man written by renowned bible scholar Finis Jennings Dake. There has also been many hours of personal study and intensive reading of the early church fathers.
An avid student of the teachings of Jesus and relying on the Spirit to lead and guide in the sayings of Christ to loved ones and the good news shared to the world. While at the same time, Christopher has a great passion for explaining the signs of the end of the age.
Ambassador of the Gospel